
Full Moon Jacket

Created by Strangely Games

Pledge manager for Full Moon Jacket the board game.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Delays and Hardwork
about 7 years ago – Fri, Feb 09, 2018 at 06:12:25 PM

Hi everyone,

First of all the Print and Play was suppose to go out last week I can only apologise with the delay.  The main issue is that I am not happy with the Rule Book's graphics.  I want them to be awesome and I wasn't feeling it, the rule book took a back seat during the campaign and I have underestimated the amount of work it needs.  The .stl (3D) files and printable assets are all good to go.  So again I am sorry about the delay and it will be with you asap.

Secondly, the manufacture of the miniatures is progressing well with the 3D master prints of the Werewolves about to join Echo Team ready to be cast - I am planning on visiting Word Forge Games (the miniature factory) soon and will be posting pics on progress of the 20,000+ models.

Thirdly I have underestimated the amount of business admin and management running a SME takes - leaving my teaching job to create Strangely Games and producing FMJ has taken away some of the designing aspects (including time) which I hadn't planned for.  I hope you understand that FMJ is a large project for a new solo indie designer and publisher to start with - it is progressing well and I am so excited to see every stage of development but some of the areas are taking longer than expected.

Thanks again for your constant support.


Backerkit is (almost) Over!!
about 7 years ago – Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 06:39:33 PM

Hey everyone! Latest updates...  

1. Backerkit is nearly at the end.  Thank you to everyone who has used it and a big thank you to George at Backerkit for being so professional and so very helpful!  There are still some backers that have not confirmed their postal addresses - it will make our lives and yours easier if you can confirm that.    

2. Print and Play (+ .stl / 3d files) will be with you this week.  There have  been some tiny technical issues but these are being ironed out.  Confirmation will appear either through backerkit or email from Strangely Games.  

3. Quality control for the manufacture of the minis has begun.  These arrived at SG HQ Sunday... 

First cast Minis from Word Forge Games
First cast Minis from Word Forge Games

4. The Survivor - KS exclusive 7th character!! Almost ready to kick some ass in the jungles of Vietnam.  Giorgio is hard at work and this is the first pose of her...(shotgun is a place holder for quiver and various arrow types, I have said to much!)

The Survivor.
The Survivor.

5. Blue Blood Moon!! Check it out!!



Happy New Year!!
about 7 years ago – Tue, Jan 02, 2018 at 12:40:17 AM

Happy New Year KS peeps!!

I have been in talks and production meetings have been set up with the manufacturers for the week commencing the  8th January for the final stages of prodction to begin on Full Moon Jacket here in the UK with the casting, printing and packaging.  

Backerkit has gone extremely well with over 65% of backers confirming their orders and extra add-ons before the New Year.  If you haven't already confirmed through the Backerkit survey your address and all details you have a couple of weeks but don't leave it too long.  For those that have confirmed everything thank you, I know how busy the last few weeks have been.  

If any backer would like any extra info please message me through Kickstarter or email at [email protected].

Anyone seen the Supermoon? a good sign for FMJ in 2018!!

Happy New Year, 


Backerkit is GO!!
about 7 years ago – Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 11:03:13 PM

Hi Backers,

You will ALL received the backerkit survey - it has been tested successfully and the late pledge option is also up and running.  I understand with the Christmas holidays literally around the corner and people being all over the world that you may not get chance to fill in the surveys in the next few days but not to worry backerkit is running until the end of January (30th!).

FMJ Print and Play is ready and I know you are all desperate to print and play over the next few days but with it being attached to the late pledge manager and an option to purchase throughout January I have been recommended to secure the files and unable to release them this month.  As a big thank you and an apology for not getting the PnP out this month I will be adding the Commando's (remember that guy! - he lost the vote) character card, token and weapon cards to the PnP and the Survivor (including .stl file for the Survivor).

I wish you all the best over the holiday period.

Thanks, Paul.

Backerkit - Pledge Manager
about 7 years ago – Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 12:47:43 AM

Hey Everyone!!

In the next 48 hours you will receive your surveys by email from Backerkit!  (Thank you George from Backerkit - you have been great). I am sorry to everyone for being quiet in the updates, things have been a little more complex post Kickstarter campaign, it has been less than 4 weeks but feels like a lot longer - I can only apologise. The 7th Character is in production, the Colonel (see add-ons in Backerkit!) is ready, UK manufacturing dates are in place for next year, Campaign book is ready, funds are in and everything is starting to roll out again!!   

So what is Backerkit?  This is where you get to specify exactly which items & add-ons you’d like to receive, and to confirm your shipping address.  All surveys must be completed by Tuesday 30th January 2018.  After this time you will no longer be able to make changes to your pledge.  

Here are a few tips to help get you started:   

Can I increase my pledge?  You can! The survey will look a bit like an online store and you’ll start with “credit” equal to your pledged amount. You’ll see which items are included in your pledge level as standard, and you’ll have the opportunity order any add-ons you want at the same time. If you want to add items costing more than your starting credit, you’ll just need to pay the difference at the checkout.   

I missed the Kickstarter, can I still get the game?  You can! Pre-orders will also be going out. We’ll put a link on the campaign page and on our website to help you find it easily. If you have any questions about your survey or about pre-orders, please don’t hesitate to get in touch: [email protected] 

Thanks again backers, and Merry Christmas!!