Delays and Hardwork
about 7 years ago
– Fri, Feb 09, 2018 at 06:12:25 PM
Hi everyone,
First of all the Print and Play was suppose to go out last week I can only apologise with the delay. The main issue is that I am not happy with the Rule Book's graphics. I want them to be awesome and I wasn't feeling it, the rule book took a back seat during the campaign and I have underestimated the amount of work it needs. The .stl (3D) files and printable assets are all good to go. So again I am sorry about the delay and it will be with you asap.
Secondly, the manufacture of the miniatures is progressing well with the 3D master prints of the Werewolves about to join Echo Team ready to be cast - I am planning on visiting Word Forge Games (the miniature factory) soon and will be posting pics on progress of the 20,000+ models.
Thirdly I have underestimated the amount of business admin and management running a SME takes - leaving my teaching job to create Strangely Games and producing FMJ has taken away some of the designing aspects (including time) which I hadn't planned for. I hope you understand that FMJ is a large project for a new solo indie designer and publisher to start with - it is progressing well and I am so excited to see every stage of development but some of the areas are taking longer than expected.
Thanks again for your constant support.