Pledge manager for Full Moon Jacket the board game.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
The Survivor!!
over 5 years ago
– Thu, Oct 31, 2019 at 02:55:48 AM
The beautifully modelled (Thanks Giorgio!) and amazingly cast (Thanks Wordforge) Survivor has arrived!!!
Rambo inspired, voted for by the Backers!!! 7th Playable character.
Another step forward towards the completion. Cardboard parts are being created (small delay with Chinese celebration this month) - WE ARE GETTING THERE!!
Thank you again for your amazing patience Backers!!
Progress, a little late!!
over 5 years ago
– Thu, Oct 03, 2019 at 02:20:38 AM
Hi backers!
Some very good news! The last of the minatures are being cleaned up by the manufacturer after a delay their end- this means that a large portion of the game is ready to be packed into your orders. Unfortunately one of the add-on werewolf poses has been too complex for the casters to process (only telling me at this late stage), you will be getting the same amount of wolves as ordered however!
The second piece of good news is that the Cardboard Components have been ordered and are being printed as of next week. The B word has caused a bit of an issue with shipping but unfortunately this has been impacting a lot of industry projects.
This journey has been very eye opening but I thank you all for your immense patience at the delay, and thank you as well for the kind and supportive messages that I have received. They have gone a long way to helping me get this over the line.
Yours forever,
One step forward, one step back
over 5 years ago
– Sat, Aug 10, 2019 at 02:06:28 AM
Hi Backers!!
Lets start with the good news, we have finally moved to a new place with big enough storage for ALL the miniatures and this week we did trip down to pick up the remaining completed cleaned up miniatures from Word Forge. A minor confusion with box sizes but we are now with 80% of the miniatures cast and most of them cleaned up.
New Home!!
Gunner (and Medic in the background) looking Amazingly Detailed.
With one big step forward there has come a smaller step back, without giving too many personal details my previous house has come unstuck in a sale which has been difficult and extremely stressful to myself and family which has put strains throughout all aspects of our lives.
Going forward - news and communication with UK print services (for the board and card parts) has thrown light to China and great contacts and with quotes looking very reasonable for the printed components we are looking at going to the original plan in some ways.
Completely on another note, for those that have messaged Kev', this is Kev...
Kev' with Demo man.
Next update will (hopefully) be confirming printed components delivery date.
Thanks to everyone for being super patient with FMJ. Many strong messages of support have really helped over the last months. One (maybe two!) more big step forward will get this awesome game completed and to your doors and onto your dining tables (that's where we all play games right!?).
Storage Problems... 90% sorted.
over 5 years ago
– Sun, Jun 16, 2019 at 02:14:23 AM
Hi everyone,
I am eternally grateful for many backer’s support through another difficult period of time. A big shout out to Patrick in Germany for totally understanding and constant support and to my close friends and backers in Nottingham for supporting me and also pushing me into updating and pushing FMJ forward and into your hands.
It’s been almost 12 months since one of the largest changes to my life happened which is still being felt and indirectly effecting FMJ - but there is finally light at the end of the tunnel. It has always been difficult (as you ALL know) for me to communicate and update you awesome backers, I do not want to share too many of my personal details but myself and my little family have now found a semi-permanent new home (for the next 12 months at least) which has reduced a lot of stress from us and allowing FMJ to progress.
One of the biggest disruptions to FMJ production since November 2018 has been storage of the assets, the unknown whereabouts of where to live (never mind where to store scores of large boxes), but this has been helped recently by a close friend whom has agreed to store FMJ assets at their property, this will allow me to finally get the last assets printed and sent over - the start of the FINAL chapter of this Kickstarter and allowing Full Moon Jacket to be put together and sent out to your AMAZING people.
Here are some pictures of the very detailed gorgeous miniatures and just some of the boxes in my dining room.
Thanks for all support and patience,
Pose 01 of Werewolf.
6/24 Boxes of Miniatures
1000's of Doggles.
Out come the Wolves!
about 6 years ago
– Sat, Feb 09, 2019 at 11:31:27 PM
With giant boxes full of Werewolves arriving the cleaning process has begun. Due to the hand casting of the resin a large amount of miniatures need careful cleaning; but at present due to personal issues of last year a logistical issue of storage and future boxing up the final games has arisen. I am dedicated to solving this problem but it has caused a large amount of stress recently.
The manufacture of Full Moon Jacket is over halfway and with ALL miniatures cast and being professionally cleaned the end is in sight.
A good friend sent me this quote earlier today and it really feels appropriate to share it: “I didn't come this far; to only come this far.”
Box of Wolves
Two poses of Werewolves
New 38mm High Wolf (28mm original prototype in the background).