Pledge manager for Full Moon Jacket the board game.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Express delivery USA / CAN / AUS
over 4 years ago
– Fri, Oct 09, 2020 at 05:54:44 AM
Hi Backers,
Thank you to everyone that has message and expressed interest in adding extra to get FMJ overseas. I am working through your messages / emails and will personally answer them by the end of the weekend.
I have put together USA, Canada and Australian express prices (these have been the main three countries of backers that have messaged, I will personally message you with a price if you are outside of these three countries).
Prices have changes (gone down!!!) since last Friday, and originally I was going to be using UPS, Fed-Ex have just altered their prices. The image below is the cost to ship express, please be aware that this does not include the amount you have already paid so it will be lower!!
prices as of 07.10.20
USA Charged £12 for shipping after the campaign (£45.73 - £12 = £33.73) = USD $43.72
CANADA Charged £15 for shipping after the campaign (£47.86 - £15 = £32.86) = CAN $56.41
AUSTRALIA Charged £25 for shipping after the campaign (£66.30 - £25 = £41.30) = AUD $74.73
These prices in BOLD are the charges / price to receive FMJ via express delivery. (Please note USA and CAN have Delivery Guarantee service from FED-EX, this has been highly recommended for sending). The Parcel protection is insurance in case the game is damaged or doesn't arrive.
I will message replies to ALL that have already messaged, if you are happy with these prices I will send over bank details.
THANK YOU to all the great messages from the UK and the start of th EU backers that have received FMJ. Thank you Sam (you know who you are!!) your message was very much appreciated at this crazy busy and stressful time.
Thanks again for your continual amazing support,
Shipping Update: UK, EU, USA and Rest Of The World
over 4 years ago
– Sat, Oct 03, 2020 at 01:09:47 AM
Hi Backers,
September has been a very busy month, as many of you know I am a lecturer and Coronavirus has really changed the teaching and education landscape. However, there has been a lot of progress shipping Full Moon Jacket, thank you again for your patience.
UK Backers:
Out of 157 UK Backers, 120 copies have been shipped, with most of the remaining 37 orders stacked up and ready to go out early next week! There has been an issue with the T-Shirts, as the local company being used as been heavily impacted by the virus- I will be shipping your T-Shirts seperately as soon as possible, appologies on that.
EU Backers:
Out of (approx) 100 games waiting to be shipped, the vast majority are cleaned up and waiting to be boxed.
I've managed to draft in help next week, so the aim is that by the 11th October, most, if not all of the EU games have been dispatched.
US and Rest Of The World Backers:
Due to ongoing international logistics issues, postage has skyrocketed to over $70!! (UPS)
There are two solutions to this;
Solution 1: Shipquest are working with myself to sort out a postage friendly option for getting the games to you. There might be a bit more of a wait, but so far they have been fantastically responsive and keen to pick up the orders. I can't estimate when the game will get to you but don't see it as taking months, more likely weeks.
Solution 2: EXPRESS: I am happy to post out your copy if the difference is paid- this will get the game to you in 3-5 days (UPS).
Message me for the express option through the Kickstarter DMs or by emailing [email protected] - Please make sure your shipping address is correct - and if you need to make a change, please email or message as the above. (If you have changed your address already through BackerKit, I will have it already).
Thank you so much for those backers that have been sharing and loving the game, it really does mean the world to me!!
Boxes. Boxes. So many boxes.
over 4 years ago
– Mon, Aug 24, 2020 at 01:00:40 AM
Sorry for the delay in the update. It has been (as always) pretty busy here, but it has started...
...Full Moon Jacket is being posted out!!
Please be super patient with me getting your copy of FMJ to you. The process has and continues to be super difficult, logistically it is tough, my house is pretty much full of boxes (a massive thank you to my family for their amazing patience!). I am also a full time teacher and father, and this year's planning is certainly stressful and a huge unknown with how covid-19 is going to play in the new academic year for all schools and colleges here in the UK.
Anyway, here are some boxes FULL of Full Moon Jacket.
nicknamed 'The Fort' by my partner
Shipping and posting; wow, things have changed since when I first looked into this 2017... I have managed to start sending out FMJ to the UK, over 30 have been sent out (and checking my delivery tracker 1 lucky person received theirs yesterday!!) and another 27 are ready to go out tomorrow and Tuesday. I am looking at posting and delivering all UK by the end of August, followed by EU countries two weeks after and USA after that.
I have had massive issues with two fulfilment companies closing down and reducing numbers due to covid-19 and also the shipping costs, particularly to USA have sky rocketed. I am looking into another way to ship out, but again please be patient with me, it is just me boxing and posting FMJ and the world has very much changed since the campaign first launched.
Here is another room full of boxes...
FMJ. Outta one box, packaged up with Werewolves and then put into another box.
There will be a nice surprise inside each FMJ box, a set of standees. ALL of the werewolves and miniatures have been hand cast and only so many sets have been created, so with the remainder of the stock I have added standees into each box making them all playable. My good friend and supporter of FMJ mentioned they reminded him of old DnD and retro games (I was going for a Dead Winter vibe, but hey!).
Please also be aware that if you ordered FMJ without the expansion side quests you will find one of the punch boards (one with traps and spawns) sporting a few holes, these are for the expansion - and DO NOT EFFECT your game - the only way I could cost effectively a few parts of the expansions being made was doing it all in one go from China.
Well, it's certainly been a journey and for some of you, this week will have the happy ending you first hope it would. Your Full Moon Jacket will be arriving. Thanks again for your ongoing support, thank you for your continued patience and thank you for helping me make a "proper professional game" (Thanks Mum and Dad!!!). Thanks.
over 4 years ago
– Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 07:42:06 PM
Hi Backers,
As I type this FMJ is in a ship-que, waiting to dock to be 'unpacked'!!! All a little anxious here, hopefully it will arrive at our storage today all 4 tons!!!
You will have received an email from Backerkit to finally lockdown addresses last week, if you missed this and you have changed your address since the last update email me with your backer name and changed address at my new email...
"Stone Sword Games?!" Yes, Stone Sword Games!! A few months ago I met James, a fellow games designer and someone who has really helped turn around Full Moon Jacket, pulling me out of a slump and challenging me to finally get FMJ completed. We have worked with each other closely and become good friends as well as business partners, a new dimension and a new skill set that I really could of used almost 2 years ago!!! This final stage has become real due to James, his attitude, friendship and knowledge.
I have had some incredible support from you, yes you! With some very kind and supportive messages wanting me to continue games designing and continuing in the industry, I have taken this energy and helped to develop Stone Sword Games with co designing a project Hogs Of War the Card Game and a future launch Hogs Of War the Miniatures Game, these can be found at stoneswordgames which will also be selling the remainder of Full Moon Jacket Kickstarter expansions and add-ons.
If you ordered the core game and wished you had purchased the Side Mission Expansions, you can add it to your order through Stone Sword Games as Backerkit has locked orders and addresses.
6 Mission Expansion
Click here to check out the 6 Mission Expansion. Custom Dice, Reversible Hexes, Weapon Cards, Items, Traps, Midnight Cards (hardcore mode!!), Ammo tokens, Mission Maps, 'Craftable' Items.
Full Moon Jacket and these Expansions will NEVER be sold again. This will be the last opportunity to get the FULL Full Moon experience, the rarest miniatures game ever!! (Well, maybe not ever, 500 copies only is pretty damn rare). There expansion is almost a full table amount on it's own, so so much FMJ goodness!!
Here is some more...
Hexagon Tiles.
We have over 150 sets of miniatures ready to go as soon as the boxes arrive. Please be patient as we have entered completely unknown territory of shipping and distribution and almost every copy of FMJ is individually packed with add-ons, we are determined to ship them all out as soon as possible but please be aware of our small operation.
Thank you again backers.
Dedication and Ships are away!!!
over 4 years ago
– Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 07:23:20 PM
Hi Backers...
Over 7 years ago my wonderful Grandma helped support me to buy my first house, she and my parents have always helped me and my adventures, and with the sale of that house I was able to fund Full Moon Jacket. This weekend my Grandma Dorean passed away. This game really has become a passion project made from the blood, sweat and tears. Without my family this incredible journey would never of even begun. If you would raise a glass of sherry to Dorean, I am sure she would appreciate it.
Dedicated to Dorean in FMJ rule book.
FMJ IS ON THE SHIP!!! The largest step has been taken, the manufacturer has finished ALL Full Moon Jacket boxes and they have been all cartoned up and being put on the ship.
We had a last minute delay on the FMJ Compass dice, the last component for the box. This added a couple of weeks to the delay but we thank Eastar for their professionalism and quality assurance.
The 'Bad' Dice, the spill on the ink.
The 'Good' Dice, bagged up and shiny!!
The FMJ journey is coming to the ultimate awesome ending, I don't think I believe it just yet, but here are a few of the FMJ boxes being packed up.
FMJ in Eastar warehouse
Thank you again for your contstant support. Next update hopefully it will be here in the UK ready for the very final step, delivering it out to you backers!! x